Website Contents:
- Plant of the month - January
- Alien Invader - Harlequin Lady
- Vipers Bugloss and More Bees!
This page is regularly updated, please select here to view the latest version.
The gardeners' aim is to help Southampton City Council to maintain and further develop the planting at the Rec to nurture and protect wildlife, while being an attractive and restful place to visit. Last year we were one of just 26 locations to be recognised by DEFRA with the Bees Needs Community Champion Award.
While the group have generally been meeting on Sundays from 10.30-12.00 (weather permitting) there's a monthly Saturday session this year as an alternative. Plus there is usually time to sit down with a well-deserved cuppa and sometimes a biscuit or two!
You can see our list of dates, activities and co-ordinators on the Gardening group calendar (.pdf file - updated 9 August 2024).
New gardeners are always welcome - maybe you live in a flat and would like to do something outdoors? You don't need to commit to coming along every week, or be a gardening expert to get involved. If you don't have your own tools, we can provide these - although suitable footwear (not best white trainers!) and garden-worthy clothing are recommended. We'd just like you to be enthusiastic, keen to learn as needed, and able to help us when you can.
If you have questions or would like more information about joining this wonderful team, please contact , and we'll pass your message on to our gardening co-ordinator.
You can also check out the gardeners' posts on our main FoPR Facebook page, and the Noticing Nature at the Rec Facebook group where many of their sightings of unusual plants or visiting critters are featured.
As a group of volunteers ourselves, regrettably we can’t offer any additional support. This includes placements through Social Prescribing. If you are considering referring a vulnerable adult, please contact us first. Should a placement be agreed, we may ask that your client is always accompanied by a key worker. If we feel ongoing attendance at the gardening group, or other activities organised through FoPR, is not in the individual’s best interest, nor ours, we reserve the right to ask them to leave.