Website Contents:
- Plant of the month - January
- Alien Invader - Harlequin Lady
- Vipers Bugloss and More Bees!
This page is regularly updated, please select here to view the latest version.
Over the last few years, Portswood Rec has undergone some major changes, and improvements are set to continue as funding is found. Here's a brief summary of what we've achieved each year:
2023 There have been some ups and downs this year. On the plus side we are celebrating the Rec having retained its prestigious Green Flag for a third year. We organised a display at Portswood Library to showcase the work we have done to help pollinators at the Rec and try and gave away free seeds to encourage others to take action in their own spaces. On the back of this we were thrilled to be one of only 25 individuals or groups to be recognised with a Bees Needs Community Champions Award, and were chuffed that in publicising their awards. DEFRA used a photo of our library display in their promotional material!
Given the limited number of these awards granted nationally each year, to have received it twice, and in consecutive years is truly amazing and a fantastic testament to our loyal and dedicated volunteer gardeners. Our gardeners meet regularly, usually on Sunday mornings from 10am. If you'd like to get involved and join them, please complete and submit the contact form for more details.
We held a Portswood Pirate community event in June, where we were joined by the Mayor. Lot of help was on hand from our members to make sure everyone felt welcome. We were pleased to be able to make all activities free of charge and despite the soggy weather we had a great turnout.
On the downside we learned that some of the equipment in the play area had failed a safety inspection and had to be removed. Unfortunately both of the large play structures for slightly older children have now been taken away and we are working with the Council to look at ways to get the equipment replaced. This will likely involve a lot of community effort, so watch this space to see how you could be involved!
2022 We were delighted to hear in April that we were one of only 21 groups nationally to be recognised with the Bees Needs Champion Award in the Loacal Authority and Community category. The award letter commented on the calibre of our application and the exceptional work that has been done for pollinators at the Rec. We were also delighted to hear that the continued hard work had paid off and the Green Flag was awarded for a second year. In March we took part in the Keep Britain Tidy Big Spring Clean with a community litter pick at the Rec. We were also successful in receiving a grant to obtain secure storage for our gardening tools close to the Rec making it easier for our volunteers.
Working with the community payback team, a second meadow area was created alongside the steps to Brickfield Road. This part of the Rec is very steep and had previously just been left attracting litter. Unfortunately the very hot dry summer followed by prolonged cold periods in the winter made this difficult to get established, but our fantastic gardeners organised a watering rota using cans when the hosepipe ban was introduced!
2021 Has started well. We heard in January that the group had been successful in securing a grant to increase the biodiversity at the Rec. Alongside installing a bug hotel and nesting boxes, we will be planting up more areas with wildlife friendly plants, and creating a wildflower meadow. Unfortunately the ongoing Covid measures have restricted our activities and we've been unable to hold our regular meetings. A planned event at the Rec had to be cancelled because of the ongoing uncertainties around changing restrictions being imposed. Despite this our loyal band of gardeners took every available opportunity to garden and work on improving biodiversity at the Rec. Log piles were built, 1000 snowdrops were planted alongside cornfield annuals and a small moth garden was created filled with plants our volunteers had grown from seed. Good news was that by the end of the year there were signs that our bug hotel was hosting its first guests! We planted 1000 crocus corms which were donated by the Rotary Club as part of their Purple 4 Polio campaign.
We also took the opportunity to get our admin in order, working with the council to update the Management Plan for the Rec, setting out plans until 2025, and we created this new website. The group was featured on BBC South Today for activities we arranged for the Greening the City event to mark COP 26 which was held in Glasgow.
The biggest reward though came in October when the group heard that the Rec had been succesful in obtaining a prestigious Green Flag Award awarde by Keep Britain Tidy. This was a fantastic result for all our hard working volunteers.
select the image to enlarge
2020 Our activities have been badly affected by the Coronavirus pandemic which has seen social distancing measures introduced across the country. We had to postpone our AGM so a new page has been created on this website with details and information that would normally have been presented at the AGM. Undaunted, the gardeners continued working at the Rec whenever the restrictions allowed, clearing and replanting a bed close to the tennis courts.
2019 Our small but dedicated group of gardeners led by our secretary Denise set to work reinstating the wildlife garden at the Rec that had become very overgrown. The new garden has been planted up to attract bees and other insects. The first stage of this project has been affectionately nicknamed the "Pollinator Patch" and work is now continuing in the garden areas around this central bed.
2018 The year started well with us receiving a small grant from Southern Water that enabled us to contribute the remaining funding needed by SCC to complete the refurbishing of the tennis courts. The tarmac surface of the existing courts had broken down and was breaking up making it dangerous for anyone playing tennis. After the resurfacing was completed, the courts were ready to play on by the summer.
Later in the year, Portswood Rec was chosen by Southampton City Council to host a silent silhouette in the shape of a suffragette which was released by the Royal British Legion to mark 100 years since the end of the First World War.
2017 Following a successful application to the Lottery Commission we were delighted to join forces with the local Dementia Action Group and Carers in Southampton to organise a festival at the Rec, with live music, lovely teas, cakes and games for all the family. Not to mention a great write up in the local paper!
2015 has got off to a flying start. We are pleased to announce that we have secured £35,000 in funding from the SITA trust to replace the old wooden ship in the play area. Once the work was completed we held a Pirate Launch Party where we were joined by the Sheriff of Southampton, Councillor Linda Norris for panning for treasure, balloon swords, treasure trail,and other activities, plus of course refreshments.
2014 - Saw Friends of Portswood Rec go from strength to strength. Our two major projects for this year have been to secure grant funding for further improvements to the play area, and to increase involvement in upkeep of the Rec. Our grant application is progressing well and we hope to hear in December if we have been successful.
We have been really pleased by all the help you have given us in supporting maintenance of the Rec. Lots of parents and friends have joined our play area clean up days, and the play area is now looking better than ever.
Lukas and Pawel have been keeping the weeds around the tennis court down, and have swept up over 4 cubic meters of mud and rotting leaves from the footpath by the school which has been greatly appreciated by everyone taking children to school on wet days.
2013 - One of the first improvements the Friends of Portswood Rec were aiming to achieve was better access from Brickfield Road, which following a successful campaign and funding bid resulted in an access ramp being installed in Autumn 2013.
We worked with the Council on plans to update the play area, and following consultations with the public, work began in Spring 2013. A nautical theme was chosen, with an octopus play structure, shark bench and a whale bench along with a pyramid climbing frame being installed. We continue to seek additional funding to improve the play area further by encouraging more inclusive play with the provision of more equipment designed for children with mobility issues.
We also organinsed a very well attended community event to celebrate the installation of the Fields In Trust plaque. The profit raised from this event was used to fund insurance and running costs for the next couple of years.
2012 - Portswood Rec became a designated Queen Elizabeth II Playing Field in 2012. This award to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, London Olympics and Paralympics in 2012 and the Commonwealth Games in 2014 has seen Southampton City Council sign a Deed of Dedication, which will protect the Rec forever as a Field in Trust, ensuring future generations will be able to enjoy this lovely public play area without fear of development. The award also offers unique funding opportunities, which the Friends of Portswood Rec hope to utilise to continue updating and improving the facilities at the Rec, making it an even better place to visit.
2011 - the Rec was awarded the First Place in the prestigious Southampton Open Spaces Award scheme backed by the City of Southampton Society and the Southampton Common and Parks Protection Society (SCAPPS). The award was presented by the Mayor of Southampton Terry Matthews at a ceremony in the Rec. The new Friends of Portswood Rec group was formed and constituted after this event to continue the improvements to the Rec, enhancing the lives of the local community through environmental and social development.