Website Contents:
- Plant of the month - January
- Alien Invader - Harlequin Lady
- Vipers Bugloss and More Bees!
This page is regularly updated, please select here to view the latest version.
The Committee looks after both day-to-day running of the Friends, and also puts on a range of activities and initiatives through the year. We currently have a couple of opportunities, one to look after Events and the other for Communications. Like other Committee roles, these are voluntary. In both cases, some previous experience is always helpful. But there's also plenty of scope to build up new skills and knowledge, and make the role your own.
Floats your boat? If so, please do get back to us. We'll be happy to have an initial chat without commitment either way.
Events Organiser (aka Social Secretary)
Events and activities are a great way of highlighting the Rec as a local resource, and bringing in children, families and the wider community. The focus might be fundraising, exploring nature, or be simply for everyone's enjoyment. We're currently looking for someone who can lead on setting up and running two or three events such as these, through the year.
Events Organiser Role Description
Communications Coordinator
Shout from the flagpole (or maybe just the rooftops...). This will be a new role, to act as a central point of contact for all our digital and other communications, as we enhance and develop the Rec as a community resource and a haven for wildlife. Equally, there'll be plenty of scope for you to enhance and develop the role itself in line with our aims.
Comms Co-ordinator Role Description
Top photo: A selection of swashbucklers at our Pirate Party on the Rec last summer.
Lower photo: May and Louise (two of our Committee members), with supporting crew, live at Radio Avaaz.